Hump Day Sunshine


Happy Hump Day!


And what a glorious hump day it is too.
Here in my neck of the woods, the sun is shining and everything and everyone has that sunshiney glow.
It’s funny how your mood can lift, just cos’ that giant ball in the sky is beaming down.
Everyone is happy. The dogs are lolling in the backyard. Kids are playing. Life feels good.
In honour of the sun, here are three songs that capture the mood of a sunshiney afternoon.
It’s the perfect chance to switch off the ff’ing computer and get outside…to do some of that livin’.
So press play. Pour a cold drink and go lounge in the warmth of the day.

1. Here comes the Sun by George Harrison
I love the Beatles and this track is one of my favourites.
You may or may not know the inspiration of how this song came to life, but George Harrison wrote it. One spring morning in Eric Clapton’s garden. The Beatles were having a hard time. George in particular. The reality of being a famous musician, with all the paperwork, accountants and bullshit were getting on his nerves. So this is the song he wrote.
Whatever the reason behind it, it’s a great song. Look for George’s happy little smile as the crowd recognizes the opening rift.
A sunshine smile if ever I saw one.


2. New Shoes by Paulo Nutini
This song from Paulo’s first album when he was just 19, is a damn fine sunny day tune.
This little Scottish lad knows how to sing a song. Good job he followed his dreams of being a singer instead of going into the family business (a fish and chip shop).


3. Hothouse Flowers – I can see clearly now
Rounding out this selection of UK sun songs are Irish band The Hothouse Flowers.
Cracking song. Mad trip down memory lane, complete with crazy ’90s flowing hair and proper cheesy music video.